dimanche 9 décembre 2018


Image result for cut to the chase




Wildlife photographer has a narrow escape from polar bear attack

Gordon Buchanan gets up close with a hungry polar bear

Image result for close call child in crosswalk

Child's close call in crosswalk highlights dangerous intersection in Montgomery County


Image result for the elephant in the room

Related image

Image result for birds of a feather flock 


 Image result for water under the bridge

Useful Prompts whe giving a presentation

let me start (let us start ) by focusing on the narrative/the mise en scene/ the setting...

as you can see...

you may have noticed  that ...

I (we) 'd like to draw your attention to...

At this point, I'd like to analyse ...

Let me point out (that)

what is most strking/unusual/ strange... about... is...

 To go further, we are going to

 in the sceond part of this presentation , we are going to...

- re-enact part of a dialogue between...( it's been totally rewritten / it's  fairly close to the original) 

-recreate the voice over of the followning segment .( it's been totally rewritten / it's  fairly close to the original)

- show you the film poster that we have made up. 

Now, we'd like to ask you a few questions/ give you a quiz

let's see what you remember:..  

we have prepared a list of 5 questions for you... 

Useful tips when analysing a trailer

This term is used in film to describe what is in the frame and why. There are several areas to consider when talking about mise en scène:
  • Setting and props
  • Costume and make-up
  • Body language and facial expression
  • Lighting and colour
Each of these factors combines to give the shot a certain 'look' or 'feel'. What is put in or left out of a shot can make a big difference to the signals we receive about what sort of film it is and how we are supposed to feel at this point. For instance, a simple shot of a tree can be made to look threatening by adding a vulture and a storm and shooting it in darkness. The same tree can be given a very different look by having children playing beneath its sunlit branches.

Lighting quickly creates an atmosphere on screen. If it is dark and shadowy we might be made to feel uneasy, as in a thriller; if the lighting is bright we feel happy and confident. The filmmaker can use lighting to draw our attention to a person/object or equally, to hide them.

There are three elements to a film soundtrack:
Dialogue – this can be used to give us clues as to character and what might happen next.
Music – this creates atmosphere, affecting us on a very emotional level.
Sound effects (SFX) – again, very effective at creating atmosphere. These sometimes do not fit with the image that we are seeing, thus creating a disorientating effect.

samedi 1 décembre 2018



Oral presentation – Pair Work  : A TRAILER
Introduction :
Let’s start by focusing on the purpose of a trailer
Let’s start by pointing out the main features of a trailer
So we’ve been working on the trailer of ….. (a film directed by.., released in…)
PART 1 :  Be informative
Show the entire trailer
Show the trailer in segments / step by step analysis
Describe and analyze it
Worksheets: Trailer structure – analyzing a trailer
Describe and analyze them
Worksheets: Trailer structure – analyzing a trailer
Select 2 ou 3 shots/ freeze frames (arrêt sur image) and justify your choice (atmosphere-setting-relationships-symbols…)
Worksheet: types of shot
Select 2 ou 3 shots/ freeze frames (arrêt sur image) and justify your choice (atmosphere-setting-relationships-symbols…)
Worksheet: types of shot

PART 2:  Be Creative – choose one of the following
-          Create your own voiceover script that matches the visuals (your partner may act as the teleprompter)
-          Re-enact  or re-write some of the dialogues that match the visuals
-          Create your own film poster including extracts from ‘rave reviews’ and awards (rave reviews = critiques élogieuses)

PART 3: Be interactive
-          Prepare a quiz for the class: 4 or 5 questions about your presentations (the plot, the characters,…..)


Oral presentation – BANKSY – Spaces and Exchanges – 5/6 minutes  PAIR WORK 1.        Present Banksy’s “residency” in NYC – prese...